Thursday, November 19, 2009

Punk Rawk Doesn't Use Primary Sources

I'm tired of political bands, especially in hardcore. So many bands write so many songs about so many different worldly plights that those bands have no physical connection to. The glean information from generally biased sources and regurgitate it in the form of really quite terribly written lyrics. I don't quite see how a band in Olympia can have the gall to assert that they really know anything that is going on in Palestine, in Iraq, without either going there or having any credible primary source to back up their claims. Academics don't write anything without concrete evidence and I don't see why musicians should differ. This becomes incredibly irritating in hardcore where it seems that every band out there writes songs to "educate" people about a certain issue. This would at least be tolerable if it were something new or out of left field, but I can guarantee you that 90% of hardcore songs are about either
1) the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
2) Iraq
3) George W. (maybe not anymore, but jesus there were too many of those songs while he was president)
4) Police
5) How the government does not represent said hardcore band

Politics have lost their shock potential. Nowadays a band puts a picture of a recently slain police officer and scrawls "Die Pig" or some rubbish like that and it just looks like they're jumping on the whole "I'm against authority" bandwagon. I can guarantee the first number that any bonehead calls after he has been assaulted or mugged will be 911.

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